這首徐志摩的詩,是他的傳世之作,也是我最鍾愛的現代詩作之一, 徐志摩的詩,配上李達濤的曲風,再加上張清芳清新的嗓音,在在讓我心動不已,百聽不厭! 下面引述一段有關這首詩的描述,它頗能道出我的感受。
再別康橋 - 作詞:徐志摩 作曲:李達濤 主唱:張清芳
JC Essays
楓為秋之魂, 竹乃冬之魄。 門對千竿竹, 家藏萬卷書。 ﹣ 悠閒寧靜的一角
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
You Raise Me Up - A Very Inspiring Song!
You Raise Me Up -
This is such a powerful and inspiring song that I couldn't help listening to it over and over again. I'm always deeply touched whenever I listen to this song. Below is some background information about this song from Wikipedia and a couple of videos performed by Josh Groban and Westlife. Enjoy!
From Wikipedia - (Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Raise_Me_Up)
""You Raise Me Up" is a popular song in the inspirational mold. The music was written by Secret Garden's Rolf Løvland and the lyrics by Brendan Graham, a veteran songwriter from Ireland. The song has now been covered more than 125 times.[1]
The song was originally written as an instrumental piece and titled "Silent Story." The melody is based on a traditional Irish tune, especially the opening phrase of its chorus. Løvland approached Irish novelist and songwriter Brendan Graham to write the lyrics to his melody after reading Graham's novels.[2] It was originally released on the 2002 Secret Garden album "Once in a Red Moon," with the vocals sung by Irish singer Brian Kennedy, and sold well in both Ireland and Norway. Originally, Brian Kennedy was supposed to follow Secret Garden on their Asian tour in 2002, but fell ill, and could not attend. He was replaced by Norwegian singer Jan Werner Danielsen, who also later recorded the song together with Secret Garden, but it was never released."
You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban -
- You can explore Josh Groban's performance of this song on YouTube.
You Raise Me Up by Westlife -
- You can explore Westlife's performance of this song on YouTube.
You Raise Me Up - Lyrics
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
This is such a powerful and inspiring song that I couldn't help listening to it over and over again. I'm always deeply touched whenever I listen to this song. Below is some background information about this song from Wikipedia and a couple of videos performed by Josh Groban and Westlife. Enjoy!
From Wikipedia - (Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Raise_Me_Up)
""You Raise Me Up" is a popular song in the inspirational mold. The music was written by Secret Garden's Rolf Løvland and the lyrics by Brendan Graham, a veteran songwriter from Ireland. The song has now been covered more than 125 times.[1]
The song was originally written as an instrumental piece and titled "Silent Story." The melody is based on a traditional Irish tune, especially the opening phrase of its chorus. Løvland approached Irish novelist and songwriter Brendan Graham to write the lyrics to his melody after reading Graham's novels.[2] It was originally released on the 2002 Secret Garden album "Once in a Red Moon," with the vocals sung by Irish singer Brian Kennedy, and sold well in both Ireland and Norway. Originally, Brian Kennedy was supposed to follow Secret Garden on their Asian tour in 2002, but fell ill, and could not attend. He was replaced by Norwegian singer Jan Werner Danielsen, who also later recorded the song together with Secret Garden, but it was never released."
You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban -
- You can explore Josh Groban's performance of this song on YouTube.
You Raise Me Up by Westlife -
- You can explore Westlife's performance of this song on YouTube.
You Raise Me Up - Lyrics
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
民歌30週年嘉年華會 ﹣ 永遠的未央歌演唱會DVD
(昨天為了要找民歌30 年演唱會的資料,無意中發現這篇文章和這網站,值得介紹給大家,與那些和我一樣,與民歌一起長大和愛民歌的朋友們分享,我自己也要買這一套DVD, 好好地欣賞一下。也請各位欣賞演唱會的片段,由蔡琴演唱“恰似你的溫柔“,她一段感性的介紹和熱情的帶動唱,把整個氣氛給帶得熱烘烘地,很感人。我很遺憾 竟然事先不知有此盛會,期望能去看民歌40 年演唱會。
引用 : http://blog.roodo.com/muzikland/archives/3718051.html)
2005年中華音樂人交流協會為了慶祝民歌30年﹐在台灣舉行了一連串活動﹐當中包括了多場演唱會﹐並且事後在公視播映了多次。 筆 者有幸看到好幾場演唱會的錄影﹐演唱會的場面實在令人感動﹐雖然好些歌曲當年並沒有流傳到香港﹐可是後來滾石唱片買了新格唱片的錄音版權﹐發行成為民歌手 或民歌合輯精選﹐甚至還輯錄海山﹑四海唱片的歌曲﹐輯錄成Boxset﹐加上看了些資料書﹐所以對那個年代的台灣校園民歌有更深入的認識。
這個未央歌演唱會﹐算是慶祝民歌30的尾聲﹐所以民歌手總動員演出﹐齊齊亮相﹐有些更專程從外地返台參加﹐於是好歌一首接一首﹐而且筆者是首次把歌聲與民 歌手的影像連結在一起﹐實在令人驚喜。縱使許多歌手沒唱多年﹐演出會有差﹐但是這種集體回憶﹐一同懷念﹐一起唱﹐感覺到觀眾們興奮不已﹐當時外頭有戶外現 場直播﹐歡眾冒著雨﹐還是撐著傘欣賞。當然﹐兩年前的演唱會﹐本來只是對民歌30年的紀念﹐可是馬兆駿突然的離世﹐又多添了一種感傷。
記得多年前香港也有“輝黃” 演唱會﹐集合許多70/80年代的歌星﹐演唱盛極一時的劇集歌曲﹐造成懷舊熱潮﹐然而卻不及台灣未央歌般的親民﹐雖然平均年齡都是四﹑五年級生﹐但是畢竟 大家還算年輕﹐有活力。當時深感這些民歌手大部份應沒甚麼唱片合約問題﹐縱使有的話﹐在這個唱片業低潮﹐聯合各大唱片公司合作﹐出版 Live CD及 DVD應該不是問題吧﹐然而據說還是困難重重。不過中華音樂人交流協會盡了最大的努力﹐排除萬難後﹐終於在把演唱會於這個月正式作DVD發行。
因為演唱會已於公視播映多次﹐所以民間已把錄影輾轉相傳﹐故此他們特意為這輯DVD製作了一個一小時的幕後花絮﹐把演唱會籌備的過程﹑排練過程﹑當晚舞台 後的情況﹑戶外直播實況﹑甚至當晚的慶功﹑之後的郊遊及美國林肯中心演出的珍貴鏡頭﹐都一一收錄﹐非常珍貴。另外又附送了一本厚達40頁的特刊﹐相信是當 晚的場刊吧﹐當中把每一位民歌手出道的經過及現況都有介紹﹐猶如另一本台灣民歌資料書﹐非常有價值﹐也見心思。
恰似你的溫柔 - 蔡琴
民歌嘉年華會永遠的未央歌演唱會DVD (2007/中華音樂人交流協會) Track List:
Disc 1 演唱會: 236分鐘
01 歲月 (VCR) - 楊弦
02 歸人沙城+中華之愛 - 施孝榮
03 今山古道 - 黃大城
04 再別康橋 - 范廣慧
05 風告訴我 - 陳明韶
06 看我聽我+捉泥鰍 - 包美聖
07 曠野寄情+龍的傳人 - 李建復
08 鄉間的小路 - 葉佳修
09 外婆的澎湖灣 - 潘安邦
10 玻璃魚 - 陳黎鐘
11 春風 - 王瑞瑜
12 春天你來 - 黃大軍﹑周治平
13 牽掛 - 黃仲崑
14 江湖上 - 楊弦
15 迴旋曲 - 殷正洋
16 你的歌 - 吳楚楚
17 最最遙遠的路+匆匆- 胡德夫
18 美麗島 - 楊祖珺
19 看海 - 楊祖珺﹑胡德夫﹑吳楚楚
20 如果 - 施碧梧﹑邰肇玫
21 秋蟬 - 楊芳儀﹑徐曉菁
22 愛的真諦 - 林佳蓉﹑許淑絹
23 夢田 - 南方二重唱
24 就要揮別 - 四組二重唱
25 秋天的野菊花 - 鄉音二重唱
26 來唱家鄉的歌 - 譚荃中﹑吳明華
27 微風往事 - 馬兆駿
28 風中的早晨 - 王新蓮﹑馬宜中﹑馬兆駿
29 散場電影+生命的陽光+廟會 - 木吉他合唱團
30 月琴 - 蘇來
31 天天天藍 - 潘越雲
32 忘了我是誰 - 王海玲
33 走在雨中 - 萬芳
34 橄欖樹 - 許景淳
35 告別 - 王誠
36 抉擇+請跟我來+讀你 - Friends合唱團
37 恰似你的溫柔 - 蔡琴
38 讓我們看雲去+小草+奔放奔放 - 大合唱
Disc 2 民歌30幕後全紀錄﹕60分鐘
中華音樂人交流協會: http://www.musicman.org.tw/musicman
(引用 : http://blog.roodo.com/muzikland/archives/3718051.html)
(後記 : 此套DVD可於誠品網路書店買得到. 網址 ---> http://www.eslitebooks.com/Program/Object/BookMD.aspx?PageNo=&PROD_ID=2680271231006)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
寄件者 JC Essays |
兩, 三年前,返台探親時,姐姐送我一整套滾石金韻民歌精選和經典,讓我好生興奮,視為寶貝。記得多年前,這些民歌曾伴我無數在台和在異鄉的日子,我尤其鍾意楊弦用余光中的詩寫的民歌,因為余光中的詩和散文一向是我所愛,而楊弦將余光中的詩闡釋得相當不錯。現在聽這些歌,姑且不論其歌唱技巧,除了仍有以往的感動,多了些許歲月的滄桑,像“鄉愁“,“鄉愁四韻“,“小小天問“,隨著人生的經歷,更能觸動心弦,而有深刻體會和共鳴,另外,如“迴旋曲“的禪風意境, “民歌“ 和“西出陽關“的磅礡氣勢,在在引人入勝,令我低迴不已。此外,李達濤用徐志摩的詩寫的“再別康橋“,由范廣惠演唱,也是我所喜愛的一首民歌。還有許多民歌,膾炙人口,就不在此贅述了。
近年來,一直在找民歌的卡拉OK, 上網找過也找不到,聽說還有“民歌30 演唱會“的DVD, 也很想看一看。盼望若有網友知道哪兒有專屬民歌的卡拉OK和“民歌30 演唱會“的DVD,請告知,不勝感激!盼望能以歌會友。
(後記 :“民歌30 嘉年華演唱會“的DVD在誠品網路書店可買到,特記之。)
2007 Christmas Light Show 4 - 2007年聖誕裝飾燈秀 (4) - 酷!!
(出處 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vwOCmJyCZk&feature=related)
(出處 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vwOCmJyCZk&feature=related)
Saks 5th Ave NYC Christmas Light Show 3 - 紐約市第五街Saks聖誕裝飾燈秀 (3) - 酷!!
(出處 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJeHi2ctjtU&feature=related)
(出處 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJeHi2ctjtU&feature=related)
Another Cool Christmas Light Show 2 - 高科技聖誕裝飾燈秀 (2) - 酷!!
(出處 :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmgf60CI_ks)
(出處 :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmgf60CI_ks)
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